Student Life
Student Enrichment
Enrichment programs are one of the best ways for high school students to hone their skills and pursue their passions.
By exploring areas of interest outside the classroom, our students gain insights and perspectives that enhance their college applications and the confidence they need to go away to college. Students are informed of any programs we learn about and also receive help in applying to these programs.
Enrichment programs are typically offered by universities or community organizations and take place outside of school time (afterschool, in late afternoons/early evenings or on Saturdays) during the school year and during the summer. Summer enrichment programs are typically residential, overnight programs on a college campus that provide a blend of academic and social activities in a supervised environment that allow students to explore life on a college campus for several weeks during the summer.
Campus Ministry
Rooted in the IHM and Basilian traditions, Detroit Cristo Rey’s Campus Ministry serves students by offering them the opportunity to grow spiritually through prayer, reflection, service and action on behalf of justice.
Recognizing that our students come from a variety of faith backgrounds, we welcome and encourage those who are not Catholic to a deeper understanding and broader expression of whichever faith they profess. DCR’s Office of Faith, Service and Justice is also a welcoming space for students who do not identify religiously but who are seeking to grow spiritually.
Students are invited to stop by the chapel for prayer, meditation or quiet conversation. Campus Ministry offers retreats, immersion experiences and opportunities to serve the local and the global community through acts of mercy and justice.